Reflections from a day of tree planting,
It’s been an exciting few months for UUET. What began as a community vision is
shaping into a reality thanks to funding and support from Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company, Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands and Glenkens and District Trust.
With funding secured, our first step at Glaisters Bridge was to step out onto site with
Brian to walk through the dense rush and, through the act of walking, map out
pathways. Days later, Brian and his mower transformed the site from hard to walk
through to a pleasure to stroll through.
The act of adding mown pathways alone has made a tremendous difference. Almost
straight away the site was being used as a safe place for dog walking.
Then, on the 13th June a pallet load wooden stakes, tree covers, and 250 native
broadleaf trees were delivered to the site.
On Saturday 15th oak, willow, hazel and alder were lovingly planted by community
volunteers (a massive shout out to all those who mucked in). The day began with
dark clouds and heavy rain. Undeterred by the prospect of getting drenched, we
made our way to the site. The skies cleared and we had a glorious day, managing to
get all 250 trees in the ground.
A woodland at Glaisters Bridge is taking root.
And there’s more to come…
